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Isim messenger

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Isim messenger is everything you need to stay in touch with friends from Skype, Facebook, Google+ (Jabber) and ICQ. Isim does not contains any Advertisements or so much functions. It 'distributed with source code under GNU GPLv.3 licencie. You can find it here (czech only):

What isim gives to you?

  • chatting with anyone from protocols above in nice chat window with colorfull nicks and smileys
  • cotnact list with avatars, availability ikony, unreaded messages indicator
  • calling, conference, video calls (just a test at the moment) and sending files though Skype
  • complete source code


How to connect on facebook

  • To the facebook login box enter JID which can you find on your profile in the url adress: -> sczdavos. You can set it here:
sending files You can send files to contact connected though Skype protocol. Just select file / s you want send and drag & drop them on message text box.

Isim is distributed under GNU GPLv.3 licencie - So with source code which you can find here (czech only):

For interest - screenshots from develop:

Comments, suggests, support are welcome and Im waiting for them :)


You can download current version here:



Program pre vás napísal David Jančík
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